This is a District Cub campfire for Benowie Cub units. Cubs are invited to the Benowie District Cub Scout Campfire on Friday 4th April 2025 at Baden-Powell Activity Centre, Pomona […]

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Registrations closes by: 2025-04-02 21:00:00

Note: starting your application does not reserve your spot, you must submit your application and pay.

NSW SRC Annual Report Presentation - time TBC

If you want to build on your skills and work towards being able to take other people out abseiling then this is the workshop for you. Learn how to set […]

Registrations for this event have closed. Contact the organiser for more information.

The North Harbour Scout Water Base (NHSWB) team will run 3 sessions of canoeing instruction and paddling activity specifically for joey scouts on Saturday 5 April 2025. Each joey MUST […]

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17 of 24 places remaining.

Registrations closes by: 2025-04-03 21:00:00

Note: starting your application does not reserve your spot, you must submit your application and pay.

The North Harbour Scout Water Base (NHSWB) team will run 3 sessions of canoeing instruction and paddling activity specifically for joey scouts on Saturday 5 April 2025. Each joey MUST […]

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21 of 24 places remaining.

Registrations closes by: 2025-04-03 21:00:00

Note: starting your application does not reserve your spot, you must submit your application and pay.

The North Harbour Scout Water Base (NHSWB) team will run 3 sessions of canoeing instruction and paddling activity specifically for joey scouts on Saturday 5 April 2025. Each joey MUST […]

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22 of 24 places remaining.

Registrations closes by: 2025-04-03 21:00:00

Note: starting your application does not reserve your spot, you must submit your application and pay.

(One day with pre-learning). All students (adults and youth) must be Members of Scouts NSW and must be over 14. Adult Members are particularly welcome to help provide 2-deep Leadership. RTO - 90666

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6 of 18 places remaining.

Registrations closes by: 2025-03-26 20:00:00

Note: starting your application does not reserve your spot, you must submit your application and pay.

Key Dates - Dragon Skin