Roventure is an annual event, designed to forge closer bonds between Venturers and Rovers.
Traditionally run as a competitive weekend camp, the past couple of Roventures have been a little different due to COVID restrictions… 2021 saw an awesome one-day scavenger hunt on Sydney harbour… “Voyage for a Vaccine“, while 2022 continued that format, but around Chatswood, with “Monopoly Edition”.
Read about Roventure 2022: Monopoly Edition
Due to popular demand, 2023 saw Roventure return to being a weekend camp! Epping Rovers and associated Venturer Units presented “Lord of the Rings” Roventure on February 24-26, 2023 at Camp Coutts, near Waterfall. Linked Venturer and Rover Units camped together and competed in Roventure as combined teams… a “Crunit”! The weekend featured a range of crazy activities plus some awesome night-time entertainment. Forest Rovers and associated Venturer Units were the winners.
So Venturers…. whether you’ve only just joined or are almost 18, Roventure is a fantastic opportunity to have a fun weekend plus get to know your local Rovers, and find out a bit more about the next section that awaits you!
Don’t know who your linked Rovers are? Check the Link-Up List