Sydney North’s 2022 Roventure: Monopoly Edition took place on Sunday 27th February, with around 150 Venturers and Rovers from across the Region taking part. All Rover Crews and a majority of Venturer Units were represented.
Forest Rovers and their linked Venturer Units organised the event, which was run like a giant scavenger hunt, full of Real Estate and Bankruptcy! 18 teams moved separately around activity bases across Chatswood, all gathering for a lunch stop, and ending the day at Chatswood Park.
The winners were Epping Rovers teamed with East Ryde and Boronia Park Venturers, with Turramurra in second place, and Mt Colah/Mt Ku-ring-gai taking third.
Despite the wet weather, everyone looked like they were having a great time. Roventure is an activity designed to bring the Venturer and Rover sections closer… and Roventure 2022 certainly delivered!
Roventure is always held on the Sunday of the last full weekend in February, for 2023 that’ll be Feb 26th. Don’t miss it!