Outside Scouting…

• Gardening for the elderly or disabled – volunteer for Easy Care Gardening
• Do maintenance or build a project for a local disabled kids’ school or home
• Sing Christmas carols at an old peoples’ home
• Train as a Lifeline counsellor
• Collect food, clothes, or blankets for the homeless
• Regenerate some local bushland
• Assist with Meals-on-Wheels
• Visit long-term hospital patients
• Pick up prescriptions or groceries for elderly or disabled people
Donate blood or plasma
• Teach English to migrants
• Give special needs adults or kids a day out
• Assist at a local youth centre
• Assist with Missionbeat night patrol
• Can you help in a local National Park?
• Read to a blind person
• Adopt a phone booth or bus shelter (keep it clean)
• Run a camp for kids who aren’t Scouts
• Do security, crowd, parking control or run a BBQ for a local community function
• Clean up a local park, bushland, or roads
• Organise a Clean Up Australia Day site
• Cater for a citizenship ceremony
• Assist with Open Days at RSPCA, Blind Society, kids’ home etc.
• Clean the local War Memorial
• Assist with ANZAC Day march or service
• Run a camp or activity for CanTeen – kids living with cancer
• Give some assistance to Camp Quality – kids facing cancer
• Staff a Driver Reviver station
• Contact Volunteering NSW for more ideas. Tel: (02) 9261-3600 or visit volunteering.com.au

Within Scouting…

• Help with a Cub or Scout sports day or swimming carnival
• Take on maintenance duty or a major project at your local Scout or Guide campsite
• Build a commando course for a Scout camp, Cub Unit holiday, Cub or Joey Fun Day etc.
• Cook for a Venturer Leadership Course, Patrol Leaders’ Dinner or other function
• Run or contribute to an Initiative, Leadership or Unit Management Course for Venturers
• Edit and produce your associated Group’s newsletter
• Build and maintain your associated Group’s website
• Run some weeknight or weekend activities for a special needs Scout Group
• Be an Instructor or Examiner for Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Junior Guides or Guides
• Do hall or grounds maintenance for your associated Group or another local Group or Guides
• Do the Public Relations for Scouting in your locality
• Run a fundraiser with your associated Group