“In Search of Quality Pain”……

Turramurra Rovers has been one of the strongest and most active Units around, with a long history stretching way back to 1932. Aiming to have a balanced program, which includes physical, spiritual, intellectual, service, and of course social activities, we are always keen to do new and different things and are always on the hunt for fresh ideas.

As Rovers, we often do service in the local community, as well as getting involved in projects further afield.

We’re a friendly group with members who come from a variety of backgrounds.

We meet every Tuesday night to plan and participate in activities like indoor climbing, SCUBA beginners’ nights, geocaching and lots of other fun stuff including some awesome weekends away… climbing, canyoning, caving, hiking, skiing, 4WDing or just camping… you name it, we’ll try it!

Everyone is welcome, so hope to see you soon!

MeetingsTuesdays, 7.30pm at 1st Turramurra Scout Hall, Sheldon Forest,
Warragal Rd, Turramurra
Click for Location Map
ContactSimon on 0499 204 295, or email the Crew