Followed by weekend 5-7 November

Preceded by Theory Night 28 October and Flat Water Prac 31 October

Got a talent? Join the Gang for our 2022 Show. Hornsby Gang Show is open to Scouts, Venturers, Rovers, and Guides from across the Region. Leaders and parents are very welcome in backstage roles. Go to for details and to register.

With only the hottest properties on the market, teams will be competing in a day full of trading, bargaining, investing and scavenger hunting... be money savvy or go bankrupt. It's totally up to you and your team! Just be careful.. you don’t want to find yourself in jail. So get your Crunits (that's a combined team […]

Registrations for this event have closed. Contact the organiser for more information.

Online Meeting for All Venturer Leaders in the Region to get the latest updates, and ask any question you may have. Please Email if you require the meeting link.

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Registrations for this event have closed.

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Book at ROVER NIGHT: See the show and support your fellow Rovers up on stage, then join the Rover crowd afterwards at Hornsby RSL into the small hours!