(One day with pre-learning). All students (adults and youth) must be Members of Scouts NSW and must be over 14. Adult Members are particularly welcome to help provide 2-deep Leadership. RTO ID: 90394

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Monthly Rockcraft Skills workshop - open to anyone who has attended a TP/AG (Level 2) course, or Guides maintaining currency. Current Qual not required. This is a self driven workshop where we will cover what you need to work on toward your quals, or what you want to practise/review. A great way to build your […]

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Introduction to Cross Country Ski-ing. Get up on your skis, learn to turn, stop and travel over the snow. Come and see the areas the downhill skiers don’t know exist. Full Cost Est $310. Click Here for More Information

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This is the base-level course for participation in rockcraft activities and is required for vertical canyoning and caving. Attending this workshop will give you a great grounding for rock adventures and you can even earn you Stage 4 OAS Abseiling (However you must abseil on at least one other occasion before or after the course […]

Registrations for this event have closed. Contact the organiser for more information.

Monthly Rockcraft Skills workshop - open to anyone who has attended a TP/AG (Level 2) course, or Guides maintaining currency. Current Qual not required. This is a self driven workshop where we will cover what you need to work on toward your quals, or what you want to practise/review. A great way to build your […]

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This is the base-level course for participation in rockcraft activities and is required for vertical canyoning and caving. Attending this workshop will give you a great grounding for rock adventures and you can even earn you Stage 4 OAS Abseiling (However you must abseil on at least one other occasion before or after the course […]

Registrations for this event have closed. Contact the organiser for more information.

On this weekend adventure you will receive training in cross-country skiing, camping, and survival skills in alpine regions. Full cost Estimated at $270. Click Here for More Information

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Great opportunity for scouts to learn about solar energy and bushcare through fun activities. Activities include cooking an snack on a solar oven, solar water filtration system and bit bush regeneration of the surround bushland.Scouts work towards an SIA environment project and the Earth Tribe Scouts Go Solar Challenge. Scouts wear clothing to do bushcare […]

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3 Sessions 9-30am, 12 Noon and 2-00pm Bookings Close 21st July, 2024. Contact Roland Simpson for Further info


A FREE event for adults in Scouts and Guides, showcasing activity ideas with a first aid theme To Register please use this link - https://forms.office.com/r/qhu5ZYJJ5y?origin=lprLink


Theory Night and information for – Wee Jasper Caving Weekend. Attending this workshop provides training for Safe Participant, Trained Participant, Assistant Guide and Guide along with the ability for youth members to achieve you Stage 4 Caving OAS under Vertical (Youth Program). The course is suitable for Venturers, Rovers, and Leaders. The theory night is […]

Registrations for this event have closed. Contact the organiser for more information.