The purpose of the Hornsby Scout Fellowship is to provide opportunities for members to enjoy mutual fellowship, maintain contact with the Scout Movement and continue the ideals of service to Scouting and the community.

The Hornsby Scout Fellowship is a registered formation of Scouts Australia, Sydney North Region. The members comprise former leaders and people interested in helping Scouting.

A number of the members help with the running of the Hornsby Gang Show.  We also provide the human resources to maintain the Scout hall in Killara that is used by the Show for construction and storage of stage scenery and hand props.

We organise whole of theatre yearly subscriptions to four performances of the popular Pymble Players. This fundraising activity, whilst not restricted to Scouting people, provides much needed funding to Scout Groups in the Benowie District as well as international Scouting groups.

On the social side, we organise a couple of day outings to points of interest around Sydney as well as one four-day excursion to a place of historical interest about three hours drive from home.  In the last few years, we have visited the Shoalhaven, Taree, Mudgee, the Hunter Valley and Bathurst.

Fellowship Chair
Keith Knight

Contact the Region Office
Phone (02) 9411 4088