The Sydney North Region Water Activities Team opens the world of water activities to everyone in Sydney North Region and beyond. The Water Activities Team can help all Groups with water-based activities, ranging from experience days for Cubs and Scouts to training for qualifications and adventure trips away. All you have to do is ask!

Water activities include everything from canoeing to kayaking, from sailing to windsurfing and powerboating. The Team at the North Harbour Water Base are happy to help with Cub and Scout canoeing evenings and other training and activities can be arranged.





Whitewater Kayaking

Whitewater Kayaking

Sirius Cup Regatta

Sirius Cup Regatta

Water Activities Centres

There are two Scout water activities centres that are conveniently located on Sydney’s North Shore.

The North Harbour Scout Water Base is Sydney North Region’s water base. The base co-ordinates Region canoeing and sailing activities and training.

The Water Activities Centre at Woolwich is run by Scouts NSW, and can provide specialised training in canoeing, sailing, rowing, and powerboating.

Upcoming Events & Courses

There are no upcoming events.